Dienstag, 15. März 2011
rescheduling - staying in kyoto
sorry for no report yesterday - it was not because something bad happened to me, but i was plainly busy preparing my talk for the workshop.
in kyoto the situation is as before - business as usual. kyoto and the west of japan in general has not been affected by earthquake or tsunami or nuclear power plant problems. hard to judge whether production and product supply/distribution to western japan might be affected in future.
i was scheduled to return to tokyo tomorrow. a colleague from the tokyo institute has been here today to give his talk and reported that situation in tokyo is getting thougher - hardly any people at the institute and supply situation getting tight (that's the things - lack of drinking water, food, too a less extend also heating - i am afraid of more than the radioactivity), shops fairly empty. with this situation it doesn't make sense to go back since i will hardly be able to perform the work i was supposed to do (data processing machines largely shut down for the power outages and to save energy; unsure whether my collaborating colleagues will be available). therefore i decided to stay in kyoto at least until the end of the week like several other colleagues (they were actually supposed to participate in another workshop, for which i didn't got permission to go to by tokyo institute. the workshop has however been proposed (correction: postponed, off course), but people being here and with hotels booked still stay here.). i furthermore contacted my travel agency for rebooking and they are doing their best - it's waiting for updated info from the airline, which for the moment is only rebooking people on goodwill base that were scheduled to travel until March 15th (i.e, today). I do not actually see a good reason for that - if it's crisis here, it's crisis regardless of what return date my airplane ticket has. however, that's as it is at the moment. so i hope, some solution can be found until end of this/beginning of next week.

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webseiten - links
japanese infos in english:
(das ist ein japanischer nachrichtensender in englisch)

Twitter-Blog der "Japan Times"

deutsche nachrichtenagentur reuters:

www.zeit.de betreibt einen News-Blog

www.spiegel.de betreibt einen Liveticker

french infos:
(franzoesische atomsicherheitsbehörde)

Internationale Bewertungsskala für nukleare Ereignisse:

Das ZDF über Kernschmelzen:

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