Mittwoch, 16. März 2011
today's summary (110316)
not too much new things here today. i am fine and more relaxed, now that i have rearranged my schedule returning to europe on saturday/sunday directly from kansai airport (i.e., i don't have to go back to tokyo and narita airport - fortunately i made a clever decision when deciding to bring all my stuff to kyoto instead of leaving my big suitcase at the tokyo institute). western japan inclusive kyoto is doing well - life is largely as normal, except growing numbers of "refugees" from tokyo area filling the hotels. i will stay here and have hotel room until saturday and am optimistic that the situation remains here as is now.
the workshops i was here for are over now (or rather: the remaining parts have finally been canceled). basically i was supposed to return to tokyo today, but the people in tokyo institute were sane enough to allow me to stay in safer kyoto and leave to europe earlier than planned (not that they could really force me to return. but they could have caused quite some trouble to yasuko as the person responsible for me and my actions.). for the next two days, yasuko has organized an office at the university of kyoto from some former colleagues of her for us to work. so i hope, i can finally get some work done again. and now... bed. i need some sleep. the 8 hours time shift with europe is quite exhausting at the moments - all telephone calls with concerned people back in europe are done in the middle of my night... - but, no complaints. it feels good to hear from all of you!

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