Samstag, 12. März 2011
update - after the earthquake
no, idea, whether anybody still reading this blog. since i moved from japan back to europe (exactly: sweden) more than a year ago. however, at the moment i'm back in japan for a business trip. right into the huge earthquake. because it's difficult and quite some effort to keep in touch with everybody (personally) by email, and i also don't like to spam everybodies mailbox, i will revive this blog and use it as a way to keep people informed, where and how i am.

so, currently i am fine. i stayed at the institute over night. there no serious damages occured and everything was working fine. i was supposed to go to a workshop to kyoto sunday to wednesday. now it looks like we will leave now and try to get to kyoto today. reason1: there are power outages announces for tokyo tonight. reason2: with the collapsing nuclear power plant in fukushima (around 300km north of here), it's probably better to get some more kilometers between us the power plant. also, kyoto seems to not have been affected by the earthquake, i.e. seems to be a safer and more convenient place for the moment. though nobody knows at the moment, whether the wrokshop will really take place under the current circumstances...

so far for now. i try to keep that updated here whenever things change and i have access to internet...

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